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Need xfer
  Nadeem, Jan 09 2010

Need 500 more on FTP. You give me 250 on ftp, i give you 250 on stars within a minute, twice. Got scammed once dont xfer other ways. If dont like it dont pm me. Otherwise do quick plz

Edit, done, thx Mudd10!

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Getting it together
  Nadeem, Dec 23 2009

For people who read my previous blogs, last months were terrible for me.
As probably alot of players did in the beginning, I blamed bad luck, bad beats and lucky fish.

In a rush of emotions I decided to quit online poker and withdrew all my money. The day after I was 5th in a 11 dollar donkament for about 500 dollars.

I decided it was time for a change. I cut down to 4 tables instead of 10-12 and gave each decission thought and reasoning. Also a friend of mine who is a reg at 200NL has sweated me.
I was amazed how much leaks I have and things to work on.
I made a list, maybe this can be usefull to some players.
To many others however, this is standard. For me it wasnt.

Points to work on

1.Table selecting: Look for tables with lots of players/ flop. To many of you this is standard, but I used to randomly open 12 tables and started playing

2.Fish vs Regs: Focus on playing hands against fish. Avoid tables filled with regs.

3.My play from the blinds is awful. I play 25NL 6-max, if anyone has an article about blind play or some usefull tips, PM me.

4.Play more in position. My opening range is also too big.

5.Get mentally stronger. After a beating or a huge suckout I start playing very very poorly. This is a huge leak.

6.Dont play when tired. Sometimes I start playing at 22 pm because I study till then. I usually play till 3-4 am and get up at 9 to study. This doesnt work so good for me.
Besides poker, this also isnt good for my health in general and my studies.

7.Set small goals before a session(Make 3 buyins, stop at -5 buyins, these are examples)

8.Dont start playing as soon as I get up. I dont have much time because I have to study a ton. When I have a free day I jump on my computer as soon as I get up.
I told myself from now on, I'll get breakfast, run a lil bit, take a shower and then start playing.

9.Get more sleep, and cut down on the tables.

10.Stop being paranoid that Fulltiltpoker hates me.

I guess these are my main leaks and points to work on. I posted it because if someone has a comment or a tip/other point to work on i'll be more then glad to hear it.

Thx for your time


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So you decide to quit online poker
  Nadeem, Dec 21 2009

The day before you decided to quit online poker and withdraw everything you got, except for 20 dollar to mess around.
Then this happens:

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Is this a sign?

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